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My Wife's Sourdough Pleasure

Tiffany has found tasty opportunities during this COVID-19 Season

· Tiffany,Baking
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Sourdough Bread Journey

My journey of making sourdough bread started when Zach’s food science teacher emailed him as an options of making the bread from just flour and water. I told him we should do it together because I love to bake and wanted to learn how. We followed the directions and I thought for sure it will turn out great. Well, after 6 days of making the starter. We used it and the bread turned out flat L We don’t have the digital scale so amounts of flour and water were off and the recipe we were using was hard to work with. Zach was done but I wasn’t. I was determined to get right. I did more reading about the bread and found out it has some health benefits and even learned that you need to cook it in the Dutch oven. Also, I thought maybe I should try an easier recipe. I saw a post from a friend on Facebook (Jeni Potter) so decided to use this recipe. This time the bread turned out so much better but lots of cracks on top. I did more reading and found out too much air got in while I was stretching and folding the bread. I made it again and this would be my 4th loaf of sourdough bread. It turned PERFECT! All is wonderful except for my new challenge... Now I can’t stop eating it.

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